Screen Blog


5 Cool Tips on Cutting Summer Energy Costs.

With the ushering in of Summer, comes the inevitable heat, humidity and higher energy bills associated with the assumption that the air conditioner is the only solution for staying cool. So, what are some alternative measures for staying comfortable inside while the temperature climbs outdoors?

1. Open up windows and doors and point box fans or oscillating fans outward. This old fashioned trick uses a sort of reverse “technology” than an air conditioner by sucking the warm air out of a room and blowing it outward while keeping the warm air from the outside from entering the room through the open doors and windows. With a retractable screen, these opened windows and doors are protected from insects and prying eyes and can immediately be rolled up when not in use.

2. Unplug appliances and other electronics when not in use. A surprising number of electronic appliances in your home drain electricity and raise energy costs even when they’re not in use. Taking the time to not only turn the power off - but unplug your coffee maker, television, or computer keeps the appliances safe from power surges and reduces their constant pull on your home’s electrical system.

3. Use ceiling fans and be sure they’re rotating in the most beneficial direction. For peak performance in the Summer, your ceiling fans should rotate forward (or counter clockwise) forcing air from the ceiling down and providing the wind chill effect that makes you feel cooler.

4. Keep vents and doors closed in areas of your home not often used. If you and your family spend most of your time in the living room, consider closing the air conditioner vents to guest bathrooms and bedrooms to reduce the unnecessary cooling of these rooms while not in use.

5. Add insulation. A lot of cool air escapes from homes by way of space between the walls not protected by insulation. A simple spray foam purchased at a local home improvement store can work wonders when sprayed through drilled holes into the area between the walls.

For more cool tips and information contact the pros at Michele's Hide-Away Screens.